Friday, February 3, 2012

What a week....Glad it is FRIDAY!!!

Been a busy, busy week.  Lane & I didn't feel good Monday, so we stayed at home.  I got a VERY long nap Monday afternoon.  Barry has been building our new entertainment center this week and I'm so excited to see it finished.  Got our new dishwasher installed last night.  Never thought a dishwasher would make me so happy, but it has.  YAY for clean dishes!!  My physical therapy has been discontinued due to it not helping any.  While it did teach me some exercises, it did NOTHING to reduce my pain levels.  Go back to the rheumatologist on Monday, so I'm not sure what the next steps will be.  We have decided that I am going to go ahead and file for my disability through work.  I will be able to keep working while waiting on the decision.  Was very dismayed at the estimated timeframes for a decision ... 6-8 months!!  Praying that it does not take that long.  I hope that being out from under that stress will help some.  We know that it will not stop the Fibromyalgia or the arthritis, but maybe it will help.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Disease That is Tearing Us Apart

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last near. I know, it's not a brain tumor or a terminal illness, but it was still a diagnosis I dreaded to hear. First of all, there is no "cure" for Fibro. Second of all, it is usually progressive. Thirdly, I never know what is going to hurt from day to day. The chronic pain causes me to spend a lot of time on the couch or in the bed. That leaves Barry to do EVERYTHING. I thank God daily for sending me such a compassionate, selfless, understanding, and loving husband!! He NEVER complains!!! The other problem with Fibro is how it messes with your mind. I have problems concentrating, with memory, motivation, depression, and anxiety. I am being treated my a wonderful Rheumatologist and an amazing Neurologist. They are both suggesting that I stop working because the stress just makes it all worse. I am undergoing physical therapy (torture) and am on a laundry list of medications! The stopping work...this is something that Barry and I have been discussing and praying about. If you don't mind, could you say a prayer as well. As the chief breadwinner, this is an extremely difficult decision to make.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


We are constantly remembering things that my Daddy would say. Barry suggested we write them down. I'm constantly forgetting where I have written things down, so I immediately thought of the blog! I will be updating this all along, as we remember things.
  • KISS - Keep it simple stupid
  • It's your monkey, you can s@#$ew it any way you want to.
  • Don't write a check your butt can't cash!
  • Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.
  • I'd treat that like a possum does a hoe handle.
  • That is one determined child. (He was referencing Lane.....just didn't realize how true that prediction would be!)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Guess I'll Just Start From Here

WHOA!! Didn't realize it has been 2009 since I last posted!!!! Guess I will re-enter the blog world slowly. I can't remember so many things now, so writing them here will be much better!! Look forward to more posts soon. I promise!! (I know, I've said it before!)