Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lane is THREE!

Where has time gone???? My sweet little man is now a testy three year old!

His birthday party was 1/10/09 but his actual birthday is 1/12. (That night was spent at his favorite restaurant.....Hooters!)

His birthday theme was CARS and all things Lightning McQueen & Towmater. The Oak Grove Senior Center was transformed into Radiator Springs! He had a wonderful party with all his family. More loot too!

Pictures......soon! I promise!

1 comment:

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Laralee, I try to respond to all of my comments, so if you'll send me an e-mail address to the address listed on my blog, I'll add you to my address book!

I'm so glad everyone seems to like Amelia's name. I should have mentioned in the post that it's not a double name ... we'll just call her Amelia. But I figured if I only posted "Amelia," people would ask if she was going to have a middle name. So I decided to share both. :) I need to try to get Jake saying it on video, because I just DIE every time he says it. Cutest thing ever. Thanks for your comment!