Friday, December 19, 2008

Do what?

Lane and I were talking the other day. He was trying to pronounce someone's name & it didn't come out exactly right but close enough since it's a very difficult name. I didn't correct him and told him he did good. He said, "No Mommy. When I talk like that I am not speaking well." Whatever Webster!

This is the last day of daycare before Christmas. Lane was so excited this morning. He kept talking about his "par-tee" at school. We took gift bags for his classmates, goody baskets for his teachers, and his gift for the gift swap. For the gift swap, each child brings a wrapped "Little Golden Book". Lane will love a new book! He can't get enough!

Posting will be hit or miss for the next week or so. I can only post from work since our home computer decided to crash on us last weekend. Here's hoping that Santa will put a new one under the tree!

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